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The WFTU-TUI meeting concluded in great success

The meeting between the TUIs and the WFTU Leadership concluded with great success. In the meeting took part high level delegations of all TUIs the main topics were the strengthening of the class oriented struggle in every sector and the preparations for the 17th World Trade Union Congress in Durban, South Africa. In the framework of the meeting, the international delegations took part in the demonstration organised by PAME against the destruction of social security.
On behalf of the WFTU Secretariat, the WFTU General Secretary took the floor and talked about the high value of the exchange of experience, the collective discussion and the common planning of the WFTU with its sectoral organizations -the TUIs- and announced the decision of the secretariat that this meeting will take place every year in order to strengthen the coordination and cooperation.
The TUI delegates discussed openly about the great steps they have done and the problems they face and have to overcome. The meeting concluded in a militant spirit and reassured that initiatives will be taken in every sector to promote the 17th World Trade Union Congress.
The Secretariat


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